True love

A few people will claim to love you during your life.

But when will you know that it is true and pure love?

If they are emotionally and physically available; if they are protecting you; if they are not sarcastic towards you or overcritical and if they are kind and supportive, so you have the feeling that they will always be there for you. In short, if they show you committed love.

Non-committal and emotionally unavailable people will never understand what love is as you see it more as something that makes them feel good rather than anything else.

Ash Phoenix 

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Radical acceptance

What happens when you radically accept who you are, where you are, with whom you are together and with whom not? When you look back to the past, accept both the defeats and the victories and have no regrets? I often want to reach that state of being. It would free me from so many illusions and enjoy the moment. Always remember that tomorrow could be your last day. Why should we allow people to only make the minimum effort while we give our all?

Did you know that illusions are attributed to the Third Eye Chakra in my book The Chronicles of the Tiny Island? If you overcome that shadow – the illusions – you will free your mind and prepare for a beautiful future.

Ash Phoenix

The struggle

“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” J.F.K.

“Ask not what your woman can do for you – ask what you can do for her.” Ash Phoenix

Women in our modern society are often burdened in more than one aspect. They often earn part of the money for the family, they do the majority of the household chores, they are the main carer not only for their children but also for the elderly in the family. Many of us are single mothers and have the weight of the family income, our children’s education, well-being and the household on our shoulders. Often, our daily struggles are not recognised, neither by society, our employers nor those who are close to us.

Whether single mothers or wives in the family, often we get treated less than we deserve. Even educated men attempt to lie on the sofa and watch TV instead of helping us to prepare the dinner or at least the dinner table.

So that is would like to invite ask the other half of mankind – embrace our uniqueness and support us – be kind and helpful – instead of sitting on your bumps and watching football.

Ash Phoenix